Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pants and a Headache, Two Bits

Raechelle and I took a big step in our relationship last night...

She went pants shopping with me.

Picked up a nice pair of black casual slacks to go with the shirt in question, then headed over to Macy's and found a black on black paisley tie for use with the suit. Then we went to Alki and chatted over tea until Starbuck's closed, which gave us a nice opportunity to go out to the Alki waterfront and watch the sunset (such as it was). In the middle of that, my cell phone rang - my former housemate Erica (star of my TV comedy from the mid-'90s, Flotsam), saying she'd just finished watching OA and raving about it. It felt good to hear that.

It felt better to say, "Can I talk to you later? I'm out with the girlfriend." Say it with me: "Awwwwww."

Came home to more email with script notes and cast shuffling from Gigi. Dan and I were pretty pissed, but said we weren't going to say anything heated. Today has been a gut wrenching telephone tree between Gigi, Brian Meredith, Dan and myself. I can't say I'm feeling particularly optimistic about the project at this point. Unless some serious concessions are made and we miraculously are able to book our crew on two weeks notice, I dunno...

I need to not think about this for awhile. It's ultimately a free gig, and not worth getting an ulcer over. And we have other projects on the burner. Profitable projects. That's where my energy should be. I just hope, no matter what happens, we are able to salvage the working relationships Dan and I have worked so hard to cultivate, respectively.

Gotta love show biz.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwww :)
It's a lovely thing when you can find someone who makes the sun seem to shine even brighter.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwww - pants shopping??? You took her advice? I need to talk to you about her shopping habits sometime!


Lucy Leadskin said...

Woah - you two are moving FAST! Pants shopping is a sure sign of Seriousitis. Glad you had fun!

And hope that your current project sorts itself out quickly. (Hey - need a costumer? This 'un's needing a job...)

go_go yubari said...

Awwwww is right, T. So cool to "hear" you sound so very happy :-)

Hugs to you, Raechelle, and the kids!