Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Boy

As TFMD mentioned in her update, we've been having behavior issues with Tyler, who turns 15 this Sunday. It would be inappropriate to go into detail here, but suffice to say they are issues that go far beyond your typical teenage rebellion. This should not be surprising. Tyler is far beyond your typical teenager in terms of intelligence, and has had far more than your typical amount of trauma in his short life.

The behavior has been escalating. He's definitely hurting, and we're doing everything we can to get him the help he needs. That's all I will say at this point. I love my son dearly, and am focused on his health and happiness, while also providing a stable environment for the other three people in the household. It's a tightrope walk.

So there ya go. Hopefully some happy posting in the near future.


Maisy said...

Praying for your ability to walk the tightrope. And that the tightrope would become a garden path with cushioning all around.

Tyler is well loved and his heart will know that even when his head doesn't.

Hugs to you all.


Lynnae said...

Tyler is *incredibly* lucky to have the most generous, intuitive, loving and strong-willed parents around. Some sit back and don't do a thing. Big props to you! And to have the support you deserve - priceless.

Sending Good Karma your way!


Writ of Hocus Pocus said...

I hear you. It's much like that in my home as well. He's lucky to have you, to care for him and make sure he gets the love and support he needs.