Friday, April 24, 2009

Bugs & Such

This week has been one giant battle against the throat bug that has been stalking the countryside like a giant stalking thing. The kids and I are finally on the other side of it, but TFMD was wondering if she wasn't coming down with it now.

Fight it, honey! Fight it!

Speaking of Braveheart (if you're confused, you didn't hit the link above, did you?), that's on the roster for tonight. Complete with commentary from Rae's resident Scot (yours truly) and her actually Scottish co-worker, who is coming over with her hubby for pizza and beer and sweaty kilted Highlanders.

This weekend we have overdue car maintenance and a game night in Ballard, but we're still recovering from the overstimulation of Rae's 34th birthday rockstar party, so some downtime to clean and organize and catch up on some movies will be good.

Not much else to report, except that my knee has recovered pretty well. Raechelle and had a nice walk around the Roxhill Park loop yesterday, and then came home and made soft tacos and margaritas. It was a nice summery (wishful thinking) meal. And we retired to the sanctuary to watch The Office and 30 Rock.

Still having hardware issues with the new computer. But I've been able to get a bunch of graphic work done for the next Duo short. Which is nice.

And that's all I got. Peace out for now.

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