I have something for you, and it
comes with a question.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
(chuckle, sigh)
Nah, just kidding. If a train leaves St. Louis
traveling west at 75 miles per hour...
(beats her fists against Todd's chest)
Don't make me do math!
Raechelle, will you marry me?
I have something for you, and it
comes with a question.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
(chuckle, sigh)
Nah, just kidding. If a train leaves St. Louis
traveling west at 75 miles per hour...
(beats her fists against Todd's chest)
Don't make me do math!
Raechelle, will you marry me?
There was hugging and kissing as the arctic wind buffeted us, I put the ring on her finger and we got the heck indoors, to have breakfast at the Alki Cafe.
I traveled a long road to get to this point, and there's another long road ahead of me. But instead of walking alone, I now have someone to take the journey with.
And yes, the kids knew ahead of time, and are 100% in support.
Last night we had a beautiful blanket of snow descend on us, and we've spent the day watching football (yay, Hawks! Finally!) and doing our Christmas cards. Looks like our holiday open house will have yet another cause for celebration.
Just incredibly wonderful - we're so excited and happy for you both!
Beautiful story. So happy for you both.
Hugs hugs hugs! :D Wonderful!
Congratulations you two. You know you will have some hurdles, but both of you come from good stock so you're going to be fine. And I'm so excited that the kids approve - that's the important thing. And TD - the ring is absolutely gorgeous - you (and Sarah) couldn't have done better!
OK, this is making me cry, and I don't even know you personally, but I have read your blogs off and on since they've been linked from our blogroll for 2 years or so. Congratulations!!!! (I pulled a Google Blog Search for "West Seattle" as I often do, and the first thing that just came up was your entry ... followed by your fiancee's ...)
Congratulations, Todd! You picked a great girl. So happy for both of you!
Wow! That is fantastic. Way to go, Todd! What a bold move- I can only image the certainty and joy in your heart. I expect you feel as though you've come home after a long journey. Good for both of you.
This is the best news I've heard in months. Congratulations, man!
The resilience of human beings never fails to amaze me. Todd, you are a great dad and getting on with your life is the best (and healthiest)example you can provide to T and K. Life just goes on and dharma happens - you are definitely building some good karma. I haven't formally met Rae, but I figure she's very special. I'm so glad the Downings have found her. I wish you all the best and offer congratulations.
Laura P.
Awwwww yeah! is the right description!
Congratulations to both of you and all my best wishes for mega happiness.
This made me so happy when I read it!
This is going to be a GREAT year for you guys...Love wins!
so wonderful. Congratulations to you both.
Awwwww! I am soooo very happy for you all :-D Best news I've heard all year! A hearty congrats - and big hugs too!
Congratulations :)
Let me guess, preceding this were long walks at Golden Gardens, Myrtle Edwards, and Lincoln Park, as well. What a great start! Congratulations!
2008 - we will remember it as a wonderful year for finding true love.
Cheers! Good job to you both! Welcome aboard, Raechelle!
See the comment I posted on Rae's blog.
Am soooooo happy for both of you!!!
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