Saturday, October 11, 2008

Funny Porn & Live-In Girlfriends

Our hero, the erstwhile Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog, the great Nathan Fillion, stars in a very funny viral video from the Gunn brothers (a couple of which were responsible for The Specials). It's a parody of crappy 1980s shot-on-video porn. Good stuff - thanks, Gavin!

And also, Raechelle is moving in with us on November 8th. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I show her funny Nathan Fillion videos.

1 comment:

Lucy Leadskin said...

I laughed so hard I wet Geoff's pants.

Il Filliono is one of my fantasy boyfriends. Such good energy in everything he does!

Congrats on the house sharing! Yay! Hugs to all!