Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good Day, Sir!

Yes, it was, actually.

After my moment of temporal clarity dropping my kids off at their respective new schools, I headed home to blog, shower and get some work done before heading out to Rae's work with a sushi picnic. It was great to be able to chat from more or less the same place on the path. I explained it thusly: it's not like I was waiting at the end of the path, it was like I was waiting for her to catch up with me in the middle so we could walk it together (velvet ropes and all).

Headed home to find a few things of interest in the mail, so that was nice. Walked to Westwood with Tyler, got a backpack for him and a knee brace for me (I'm starting a new low-impact physical regimen, but I want to make sure my knee is taken care of, regardless). Katherine came over to work in the garden, and later she and the kids walked to the store and brought home a big ol' steak to grill outside and eat with chard and broccoli stir fry and rice. Looks like there's a camping trip on the agenda for the kids this weekend, which is perfect timing.

Katherine and I caught up while the kids sat under the darkening sky out front on their blankets. My little guys are actually happy at having started school. Even Tyler is raving about how good his teachers are and how he loves his math class. There hasn't been a single "incident" between them. And he didn't crash out after school today, which means he will be ready for bed on time tonight!

I'm just savoring the day with a glass of wine (and hopefull a phone call from my girl at some point), trying not to jinx the bounty the Universe has laid before me.

1 comment:

~TigereyeSal~ said...

That all sounds so lovely- it's good when a plan and the universe come together.