Tuesday, July 22, 2008


What's on my singer/songwriter playlist currently:

Love Brendan Perry's 12-string and haunting Sinatra-on-Quaaludes vocals.

Duncan Sheik, formerly supermodel hot and perhaps taken less seriously, now scruffy, wiser and just as talented.

Colin Hay (former Man At Work), still an amazing songwriter.

Recently watched Donnie Darko and was reminded how beautiful and sad this Tears For Fears cover really is.

Was introduced to Scott Matthew's music via Shortbus. Is it just me, or does his voice sound quite similar to early David Bowie?


konradical said...

yes, Scott Matthew does. I feel I have some authority to declare that given my decades of preoccupation with Bowie.

TD said...

Knew I could count on a homeboy to back me up! Thanks K. :)