Monday, May 14, 2012

Episode 7: How Does That Make You Feel?

For this episode, we called in our friend Devielle Johnson (whom you may have seen gracing your television set on any number of prime time shows - the dude is workin' it!) to play the narcissist "hero" Shrink Ray, who proceeds to reduce everyone at Power Posse HQ into a puddle of emotional goo (and Receiver for all the wrong reasons).

The show creators had fun playing other supers in the bar scene.  As in the On and On video, we shot at the Mop & Bucket, and got our old Nightcrawler Michael Fairbanks to portray Raoul the Time-Traveling Bartender.  If you watch closely, you'll see that just about every shot Michael is in he is wearing a hat from a different time period.

That's Raechelle in the trio of ladies in the back - the one in the long black wig.  I'm the big guy with the goggles, fedora and trench coat.

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