Thursday, May 26, 2011

Take a Deep Breath and Look Around

I don't like it when software I depend on to produce product for my livelihood decides not to work.  Fortunately, while Adobe Acrobat Pro is deciding to be a whiny bitch, there is a plethora of tasks I can get done.  Like write a blog post while my CS4 installer copies from my work box to the external hard drive.

Had a splendid meeting with Landon yesterday, chatting about upcoming projects in addition to OA.  We've revised the pitch to be much more salable and dynamic, more capable of creating the kind of excitement we need cable network people to feel. 

The brain trust of Landon, Dan, Trish and myself is also generating a slate of new projects to work on, to keep us practiced in our craft and relevant in the Seattle indie film community, and to serve as a creative distraction while awaiting responses to the new OA pitch.

Also, we have raccoons in West Seattle, as you know.  But it's not an everyday occurrence to see a big adult moseying through our side and back yards in broad daylight.  It actually came down from the giant tree in the neighbors' yard, down our side of the fence, up onto our back porch (where we stage the scooped cat litter for transfer to the alley cans), then ambled nonchalantly around to the back, and finally disappeared into the bushes.  The cats lost their little cat minds, freaking out in the kitchen window while I took some snapshots.

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